Nurturing Mental Wellness in a Chaotic World

Comparisons: one of the greatest double-edged swords known to man. They can be powerful motivators, but more often than not, they induce lots of stress and anxiety. So how can we nurture our well-being despite the negative types of comparisons we see so often in the world?

  1. Self-awareness

Being mindful of the comparisons you make is the first and most important step you can take to improve your well-being. By recognizing them, you 1) can learn more about why you make those comparisons in the first place and 2) realize how you can combat resulting mental health issues (self-affirmations, a supportive person or community you can rely on, hobbies, etc.).

  1. Gratitude

Practicing gratitude has a transformative effect, shifting our perspective towards positivity. When we genuinely appreciate something, our brain responds by releasing chemicals associated with joy, happiness, and contentment, automatically uplifting our mood.

  1. Support Systems

While support systems are not always available to everyone, they are one of the best ways people can nurture their well-being. Surrounding yourself with people who support you not only keeps your mind off of comparisons but also helps you feel more grateful, creating a positive feedback loop.