How pets help reduce stress and improve well being

The best part of my day is when I get home after work and see my family – that includes my husband and the ever-sweet dog named Bailey. The wagging of the tail (the dogs), every time he greets me, brings me an immediate jolt of joy. Not only has he become our hang out buddy, but also exercise partner, stress buster, comedy relief all rolled into one. He also made us members of a new club – Club of pet pawrents 🙂

The presence of this little creature in our lives has brought us an abundance of joy. I’ve often pondered the scientific explanations behind my consistent happiness and relaxation whenever I’m in his company. As it turns out, numerous studies have been conducted that establish a correlation between being around pets and a person’s overall health and well-being.

 Engaging with my dog, whether it’s petting his fur or simply spending time with him, has a profoundly soothing impact on my well-being. Regardless of the emotional roller coaster the day may have presented, coming home to this cherished companion instantly uplifts my mood. In those precious moments, my sole focus is showering him with affection and playing fetch with his ball. Scientific research has revealed that even brief interactions with dogs can effectively lower blood pressure and reduce the levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol, in our bodies.

According to Dr. Rebecca Brendel, President of the American Psychiatric Association, the animals we welcome into our lives and families serve multiple roles. They become cherished non-judgmental companions whom we love, and they also become essential partners in our journey to alleviate stress and anxiety.

There have been occasions when fatigue overwhelmed me, leading me to return home from the gym parking lot without stepping inside—an admittedly humbling moment. But such days happen to all of us. Nevertheless, owning a pet has introduced me to a new approach to staying physically active. Walking my furry companion three times a day, ensuring his weight remains healthy, and engaging in park activities together are vital for his well-being. However, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge that these routines hold equal importance for my own well-being. Without my dog, I may have never discovered the joys of this simpler form of exercise. Now, I take pleasure in spending time outdoors and have had the opportunity to explore various neighborhood parks.

As one statistic mentions, “71% of pet owners know their pets can improve both physical and mental health.” (HABRI-Human Animal Bond Research Institute) 

Thanks to Bailey, we have become acquainted with all of our neighbors. Our social interactions have expanded more than ever before. This has significantly diminished the sense of social isolation that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, we participate in pet fundraisers, celebrate birthdays, and serve as each other’s support system during any pet-related emergencies. It’s remarkable to note that, as an introvert, this level of connection is not something I would have naturally pursued on my own.

It’s important to note that while pets can help reduce stress, they should not be seen as a substitute for professional help or stress management techniques. If you’re experiencing persistent stress, it’s essential to seek support from healthcare professionals.

In conclusion, pets have a remarkable ability to enhance our well-being in numerous ways. Their companionship, unconditional love, and the simple act of being around them can significantly impact our emotional, mental, and physical health.