How can self-care boost emotional energy?

Have you ever had moments where you felt akin to a toaster? I certainly have:)

Somedays, I can see much similarity between me and my toaster. We both strive for efficiency and precision. We possess the knowledge and capabilities to fulfill our tasks. When my toaster is clean and polished, it gleams brightly. I’d like to believe that I clean up nicely as well. 

But if a toaster malfunctions or is unable to do its task, there is an option to get it repaired or buy a new one. But what about me? How do I continue functioning if my system is overloaded or my energy is depleted?

That’s when I realized I don’t need repairs. As a human being, I have the ability to learn and adapt to new information and circumstances. Phew!

Hence I started on multiple quests : to learn how to continue with efficiency and precision through challenging times. 

My first step was to identify situations that exerted the greatest emotional toll on me. This was my result :

Work: Dealing with high-pressure situations, demanding deadlines, taking on excessive commitments, or consistently working long hours often depletes my emotional and physical resources.

Relationships: Family and friends bring immense joy, but they also come with responsibilities. These relationships entail a multitude of emotions, especially during times of loss, such as the death of a loved one or the end of a relationship. Additionally, we often find ourselves saying yes to every request from our loved ones, neglecting our own needs and leaving us emotionally drained.

Health: I’ve reached a stage in life where I occasionally wake up with random aches and pains. Apart from managing these mysteries, there are instances of serious illnesses or injuries that need attention. All of this wreaks havoc on my stress levels.

Each person’s life experience can differ greatly. Life often presents a mixture of challenges, successes, joys, and setbacks. When faced with challenges, we tend to lose our emotional energy. We become consumed with solving the immediate problem and subsequently lose motivation for other tasks.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had a toolbox of strategies to help us navigate difficult times while preserving our emotional energy?

Thus began my second quest!

This quest led me to discover a set of strategies that would enable me to adapt to changing situations and replenish my energy reserves. My go-to toolbox includes:

  • Self-Care: By dedicating time and effort to taking care of myself, I can recharge my emotional energy. This entails ensuring I get sufficient sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and taking breaks to relax and rejuvenate. Engaging in self-care activities can significantly boost emotional energy.
  • Seek Support: Opening up to someone about my emotions and concerns lightens the burden and offers a fresh perspective. I can reach out to trusted friends, family members, or therapists who can provide support and guidance. Additionally, I’ve discovered healthy outlets to express and process my emotions, such as journaling and meditation. I’ve also witnessed friends benefiting from art and music therapy.
  • Set Boundaries: Establishing healthy boundaries in my relationships has been challenging but crucial. I’ve learned to say no when necessary. Setting boundaries allows me to safeguard my emotional energy and focus on what truly matters to me.
  • Practice Gratitude: When I reflect on my life, I realize I have everything I need to attain peace. However, it requires effort to consistently remind myself of these blessings. Therefore, I have cultivated a practice of gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of my life. I regularly express appreciation for both significant and small things. This practice has shifted my perspective and enhanced my emotional well-being.

I also remind myself that nurturing emotional well-being is an ongoing process, and it’s important to be patient and compassionate with myself.

Here’s to feeling less like a toaster and more like… ME!