During my thirties, I embarked on a journey of self-reflection, delving into questions to identify my values, sources of happiness, and the elements that brought me peace. Once I gained some clarity, I realized that I needed to incorporate some positive habits. The objective was to establish a well-rounded set of habits that cater to all aspects of life.

It’s often easier said than done, isn’t it? 😄

So, where does one begin?

Before we dive into the world of Habit Formation, keep in mind that habits are not formed overnight. It’s essential to practice patience with yourself. As a habit becomes ingrained, it will demand less conscious effort, easily integrating into your daily routine.

How did I establish/release certain habits:

  1. Starting out small – I singled out a particular aspect of my life in need of improvement and focused on developing a specific habit. This allowed me the space to avoid feeling overwhelmed which can happen when I attempt to make too many changes simultaneously. My primary goal this year was to enhance my physical fitness, and it all began with a simple step – quite literally! I initiated a daily walking routine, starting at a pace that felt comfortable, and gradually increased my daily step count. Before I realized it, I was walking nearly twice the distance from when I began.
  1. Maintain Consistency – In the beginning, it often seemed like I was making progress only to encounter setbacks. Nevertheless, each time I faltered, I committed to a fresh start. This cycle continues, but the encouraging development is that it now involves taking five steps forward before occasionally taking a step back. Regarding my walking routine, there were moments when it appeared quite challenging to sustain. Nevertheless, I persevered and aimed to include as much as possible in my weekly schedule.
  1. Integrating with an Existing Activity – I started merging my walking routine with an activity that was already part of my daily schedule. Every time I participated in my favorite daily activity, I deliberately included the walking habit, and this strategy proved highly effective in solidifying the new routine.
  1. Using Technology –  Relying on technology was a game changer. As with many others, my phone is constantly at hand . I used an app to monitor my step count and it became my personal journal and record keeper. Through this app, I could vividly track my progress,  and this kept me motivated.  The app delivered monthly goals, awards, and timely reminders, effectively serving as my own personal coach. It enabled me to acknowledge my accomplishments, despite my tendency to fixate on my shortcomings.

As the new habits became ingrained in me, I uncovered another benefit – by developing specific habits, I reduced the need for constant decision-making and started relying on disciplined routines. This streamlined  my mental energy allowing me to direct my focus toward more crucial choices, like deciding what to eat for dinner today 🙂