Empower Your Motivation and Achieve Your Goals with Motiv8 App

Introducing Motiv8, the revolutionary mobile app designed to help you take control of your motivation. Much like an undulating wave, human motivation fluctuates due to numerous influences. With Motiv8, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the elements that could be affecting your drive, while also receiving timely advice tailored to your needs. All it takes is a mere 8 seconds, 8 times a day, and you could be on your way to transforming your life!

Is Motiv8 the right fit for you? Before diving in, consider the following questions to determine if this app aligns with your needs:

  1. Can you maintain a high level of energy all day long?
  2. Are you struggling to achieve your personal or professional goals?
  3. Are you seeking a greater sense of control and direction in your life?
  4. Please note: If you’re under 13, we’re sorry, but this app isn’t suited for you just yet. Stay tuned for a future version tailored to your age group!
  5. Are you eager to learn more about yourself, such as what brings you joy and how to enhance your overall well-being?

How does it work? 

 The key to motivation lies in numerous internal and external factors, including your environment, rewards, basic needs, energy levels, mindset, cognitive abilities, and aspirations. However, mastering all these elements can be overwhelming for most people. That’s why we built a simple system. We begin by focusing on energy management and build upon that foundation. All you need to do is maintain an open mind and take a moment to assess your energy state eight times a day – a total commitment of just 64 seconds per day!

Each time you input your data, we’ll provide you with a “Tiny Tip” curated from a range of topics essential for managing your well-being, saving you hours of research. As you continue to interact with the app, it learns more about you, personalising the Tiny Tips to better cater to your needs.  

What about my privacy?  

Nobody can see your data. We encrypt the data and protect it with the best security measures.  We don’t sell your data, period. 

Key Features:

  1. Gain Insights and Boost Your Productivity with Energy Tracking – Start with the Energy at Your Disposal, Track It in Just 3 Seconds! :

To gauge your current level of energy, utilise this screen. Simply adjust the slider to reflect how you’re feeling in the moment. Above the slider, you’ll see the corresponding emotions highlighted, which you can use to quantify your emotional energy. By logging these values periodically throughout the day, you may start to identify patterns in your energy levels.

Motiv8 employs the Abraham Hicks Emotional Scale, which assigns values to various emotions. Once you’ve input your energy level, choose one or more factors that contributed to it. By being mindful of these factors, you’ll become more aware of what affects your mood throughout the day.

If you don’t see an option that matches your emotions, feel free to use the text box to jot down your thoughts or any recent events. Regularly journaling about the reasons behind your emotions will help you pinpoint the causes of your highest and lowest energy levels.

  1. Enhance Your Learning and Motivation with Customised AI-Powered Tiny Tips – Discover Scientific Strategies in Just 5 Seconds!

Perhaps you’ve noticed the similarity between the words “emotion” and “motivation”? This is not a coincidence. The Latin root word “mot-” means “move,” and often emotions serve as a driving force for motivation. For instance, if you feel happy, you’ll likely be inspired to engage in activities that sustain that positive feeling. Reference https://cod.pressbooks.pub/introductiontopsychology/chapter/emotions-and-motivation-what-moves-you/)

At Motiv8, our aim is to help you monitor and enhance your motivation. By logging different energy levels and associated reasons throughout the day, our platform will present you with personalised tips tailored to your unique situation, with the goal of keeping you motivated.

The range of topics we cover via our Tiny Tips is extensive, with thousands of content pieces and hundreds being added every day! Our primary aim is to assist you in establishing a framework for managing your motivation in various life scenarios. Some of the key content topics we focus on include:

  • Managing your psychological needs, such as developing a sense of belonging, practicing positive self-talk, fostering self-respect, seeking support, engaging in self-care, and pursuing personal growth.
  • Creating dreams, desires, goals, purposes, and strategies to stay on track.
  • Understanding your belief system, mindset, personal values, personality, and strategies for managing expectations.
  • Developing strategies to manage physical and emotional energy.
  • Cultivating crucial cognitive skills, such as mindfulness, attention management, emotion regulation, and habit formation.
  • Using the Progress Principle to Cultivate a Motivational Loop
  • Recognising the significance of external environments in your motivation and identifying how to manage them.
  • Identifying the strategies that work best for you in terms of rewards and incentives.
  1. Discover Yourself with Personal Analytics – Learn from Your Own Data

At Motiv8, our mission is to empower you with the necessary tools and resources to take control of your motivation. We achieve this by transforming your data into user-friendly charts and graphs that visualise your energy fluctuations over various timeframes – daily, weekly, or monthly. By understanding these patterns, you will:

  • Gain a deeper comprehension of your emotions
  • Identify the triggers behind your energy dips and surges
  • Enhance your motivation management and self-awareness to concentrate on your objectives

Explore the Insights page to examine the specifics of your Average Energy over your chosen period (day, week, month). Observe how your energy shifts during these intervals and uncover the reasons behind your energy lows and highs.